

On the Road - Ann Arbor to Indianapolis

April 15, 2024

Day 1

Not gonna post everyday. Just excited this is finally happening. Lots of firsts. First highway, first song, first state border, first bathroom break, first meal, first destination, so they all felt special, even the bathroom break.

First song. Just felt appropriate. I'm only a little embarrassed to say I like thinking of my car as like a spaceship because it's the closest I'll get to ever owning one. Hopefully this trip ends better than Major Tom's 🤞

I hated 99% of On the Road, but the other 1% really nails the feeling of being, well, on the road.

I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.

The drive was pretty uneventful and the scenery mostly farms. Rounded a bend and saw the Indianapolis skyline for the first time off in the distance.


Went straight to the Eiteljorg because it was closing in a few hours, and it was the only thing I really wanted to see in Indianapolis. Loved it. It's a museum focused on Native American art (and has some Western art too). It had a good mix from a bunch of tribes and not just old art and artifacts but modern and contemporary art too. They had a lot of pieces and all of them were bangers. So much beauty and talent and creativity. Took a LOT of pictures. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Checked into the hotel, scarfed down some tacos while overlooking the city, then got my bike out of the car to tour the city.

Heading to St. Louis in the morning. Overall, "Indy" was fine. Too car-centric for me. Would give it as many stars as are on the Indianapolis flag out of however many stars are on the Indiana flag (one out of a lot), but the bike lanes and museums and architecture make up for it. A perfectly adequate place.
