

Hills and Headwinds - Indianapolis to St. Louis

April 17, 2024

Got a fantastic cup of coffee on my way out of Indianapolis from a tiny counter next to a Hooters.

Mrs Dalloway audiobook until it was time to feel the Illinoise.

Stopped for lunch in a small farming town. Sandwich was good. The town was weird. They were obsessed with having the largest collection of largest versions of things.

World's largest rocking chair in the background. Just out of frame to the right were the world's largest wind chimes and world's largest teeter totter. Every block there was a world's largest something.

Across Illinois, my MPG slowly ticked down and down and down. I thought something was wrong with the car until I got out and felt how strongly the wind was blowing. I used the porta-john at Cahokia Mounds and the thing was rocking and rattling the whole time. Felt like the wind was going to blow it apart at the seams. Can't remember a more thrilling pee.

Bit windy.

Monks Mound was a fun climb and nice view. It was cool to think about how if I'd been traipsing around up there in its heyday, I'd probably be murdered for the offense. The mounds were impressively large and orderly but clearly getting eroded away and overtaken by nature. Big "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair" energy.

Monks Mound with storm rolling in.
St. Louis skyline from the top of Monks Mound.

It was looking like it wanted to storm, and big slugs of rain were starting to fall so I started heading to the hotel.

Tired from the everything of it all, I got a big box of Japanese food, swallowed it whole, and called it a night.

This whole thing was only like $15, and it tasted as good as it looks.