

St. Louis and (a bit of) St. Charles

April 18, 2024

St. Louis

I feel like people are sleeping on St. Louis. I liked it a lot more than I thought I was going to. Top-notch food, museums, neighborhoods, and buildings, and everything was priced like inflation never happened.

Stayed in the Delmar Loop. Was nice staying in a neighborhood rather than in a downtown business district. Veggie sandwich for breakfast so I could indulge the rest of the day.

Rode my bike through Forest Park to the big cathedral. Quick jaunt though the zoo because it was free and on the way.

Took Lindell Blvd the rest of the way to the cathedral. The houses were gorgeous. Big, old mansions in good shape. The cathedral pops up out of nowhere. Feels a little out of place, like someone cut-and-pasted a European cathedral into an American city, but not in a bad way.

Even cooler on the inside. Very big and grand and every bit of the walls and ceiling are mosaicked.

There's a small museum in the basement that's worth checking out too.

Moses looksmaxxing.

Headed downtown for lunch. Was hit by a wonderful smell that stopped me in my tracks. It was a BBQ spot (Pappy's Smokehouse). Must've been good because the line was out the door. On a tight schedule so I cut my losses. I shall return.

Saw the arch because obviously. Very cool, worth seeing.

There was an attempt.

Had to try gooey butter cake. Stopped at a place in the CWE (Central West End) called The Cup, which served it. Absolutely adored the neighborhood, and the gooey butter cake did not disappoint. Enjoying this slice in the chillest alley in the country is now a core memory.

Final stop in STL was the Missouri History Museum, which was also free. I dug it. Teaches you lots about the city and gives you a deeper appreciation of it.

The Jefferson memorial in St. Louis is a VERY different vibe from the one in DC.

St. Charles

Ended the day in St. Charles (~30 mins northwest of St. Louis). Had a beer from a local brewery on a patio overlooking the Missouri river, listened to the birds chirping, and recalled my St. Louis speedrun.
