

Crossing Kansas

April 21-23, 2024

Kansas blew me away, literally and figuratively (it was really windy).

Lawrence, KS

Nothing flashy, but it was a chill place when I needed one.

A "biker bar" I went to in Lawrence.

Kansas State Capitol Building, Topeka, KS

Hard to capture the grandeur of this place.

I've been a fan of this mural (Tragic Prelude) for a while so I couldn't resist taking a selfie with it.

Council Grove, KS

Ate lunch here. Museum and restaurant ran by a charming old man who will tell you WAY more than you ever wanted to know about the area.

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

This place was intoxicating. Felt like going back in time 200 years when the west was still the frontier. Rolling hills that go all the way to the horizon in all directions. And some wild buffalo to boot.

Real buffalo chips!
Like walking into a desktop background.
This was as close as I dared to get. I crested a hill and there were about a dozen more buffalo right in front of me. Didn't want to tempt fate so I backed away slowly.

Cosmosphere, Hutchinson, KS

From wikipedia, "the largest combined collection of US and Russian spaceflight artifacts in the world".

This museum's collection would be extremely impressive if it were in DC or NY, but it's in a nothing town in the middle of nowhere Kansas. So much cool stuff to geek out over. Here are just some of the things I geeked out over.

V1 and V2 rockets reconstructed using original parts.
The actual Apollo 13 command module.
Slide rules owned by Wernher von Braun and Sergei Korolev

They also had:

  • The actual Liberty Bell 7 (the capsule Gus Grissom nearly drowned in)
  • An actual moon rock from Apollo 11
  • Big panels of the Berlin Wall with intact graffiti
  • Flight-ready backup of Sputnik

And a bunch more. It was staggering. And apparently a former owner was arrested for selling some of their collection so they used to have even more.

I had to cut some Kansas stuff out of the itinerary and this post for the sake of moving things along. Kansas is known for being flat and boring, but I found it to be neither.
